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Civilization's best defenses AND news, media, and politics

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Civilization's best defenses against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin
News, media, and politics

Methods by which the six guiding principles might best be applied to human civilization as we know it in the early 21st century Civilization's best defensive measures against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin INDEX PAGE MIXED WITH CONTENT http://www.jmooneyham.com/bmeth.html
Peace, justice, opportunity, and a clean environment for all Civilization's best defensive measures against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin http://www.jmooneyham.com/bdefa.html
Robust democracy and free speech for all Civilization's best defensive measures against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin http://www.jmooneyham.com/bspeech.html
Appoint or elect women to 50% of all leadership and management positions in government, business, and scientific endeavor worldwide Civilization's best defensive measures against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin http://www.jmooneyham.com/bwman.html
The immense risks and appalling costs to humanity of excessive military, intelligence, and security expenditures-- and how to reduce both Civilization's best defensive measures against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin http://www.jmooneyham.com/bmil.html
Intellectual property and business competition reforms in the 21st century http://www.jmooneyham.com/iprfm.html
Create a new international political party to champion and represent the interests of the majority of the human race (the bottom 90% in income and wealth)-- including future generations (children and the unborn)-- in matters of government, business, economics, education, healthcare, and the environment Charge this new party to especially confront and resist the forces of war, weapons proliferation, greed, nationalism, environmental degradation, propaganda and/or dishonest or misleading news and media across-the-board, unethical advertising, promotion, and practices, secrecy, censorship, the merger of business OR religion and government, retaliation against whistleblowers, racism, sexism, ageism, religious intolerance, and undue infringement upon civil liberties of all kinds Civilization's best defensive measures against war, terrorism, technological stagnation, and economic ruin http://www.jmooneyham.com/bpol.html
The astonishing decline of America OR How to go from respected sole world superpower to dangerous third world nation in just a couple generations INDEX http://www.jmooneyham.com/decline-america.html
The astonishing decline of America OR How to go from respected sole world superpower to dangerous third world nation in just a couple generations REFERENCE http://www.jmooneyham.com/decline-america-reference.html
The enormous hidden costs to society of 'right-wing' political governance TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jmooneyham.com/bright.html
The enormous hidden costs to society of 'right-wing' political governance REFERENCE http://www.jmooneyham.com/brightref.html
The super-rich, the 'plain' rich, the 'poorest' rich...and everyone else TABLE OF CONTENTS Life at the top of the human food chain...and elsewhere Everything you might want to know about wealth and the richest among us http://www.jmooneyham.com/rich.html
The super-rich, the 'plain' rich, the 'poorest' rich...and everyone else REFERENCE Life at the top of the human food chain...and elsewhere Everything you might want to know about wealth and the richest among us http://www.jmooneyham.com/rich-reference.html
What are your TRUE chances of getting rich in America? http://www.jmooneyham.com/your-true-chances-of-getting-rich.html
The possible advantages and benefits of right-wing politics http://www.jmooneyham.com/relgn.html
More references regarding the long term gains in conservative influence upon America http://www.jmooneyham.com/mrinflu.html
More references regarding the power of the media in America http://www.jmooneyham.com/mormed.html
More references regarding the use of an indefinite state of war to justify realization of a political wishlist http://www.jmooneyham.com/idfwar.html
The way ahead http://www.jmooneyham.com/index.html
Ragnarok: The War for our Destiny http://www.jmooneyham.com/warf.html
More references regarding the Bush Presidency as perhaps the worst ever in US history http://www.jrmooneyham.com/mrbsh.html
What's new in science, business, technology, and opportunities lists J.R.'s personal favorites among mainstream and other news sources http://www.jmooneyham.com/wnew.html

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The above article(s) come from and make references to a collection copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by J.R. Mooneyham (except where otherwise noted in the text). Text here explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham may be freely copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes in paper and electronic form without charge if this copyright paragraph and link to jmooneyham.com or jrmooneyham.com are included.

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