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A speculative AND authoritative look at mysteries and possibilities of the past

A Speculative Genesis 100 trillion trillion BC- 3,000,000,001 BC: Our Universe is born; our solar system (and Earth One) forms; Earth is destroyed and replaced with Earth Two (the Moon also appears); Earth Two battered by asteroids, comets, and biblical scale tidal waves; Mars may harbor life; the first intelligent species in the Universe and our galaxy may arise now TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/genes1.html
A Speculative Genesis 100 trillion trillion BC- 3,000,000,001 BC: Our Universe is born; our solar system (and Earth One) forms; Earth is destroyed and replaced with Earth Two (the Moon also appears); Earth Two battered by asteroids, comets, and biblical scale tidal waves; Mars may harbor life; the first intelligent species in the Universe and our galaxy may arise now REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/genes1ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 3,000,000,000 BC- 60,000,000 BC: Many entire galaxies (including our own) could have been fully colonized twice by the end of this period; Earth may be repeatedly frozen; sea levels are possibly 2000 feet higher than they will be in 2000 AD; global catastrophe on Venus; Earth life explodes in diversity; northern Mars calamity; our galaxy mixing with others; many mass extinction events http://www.jrmooneyham.com/genes2.html
The Signposts Perspectives A possible history of the mysterious frozen Antarctic and sunken Kerguelen continents 544 million BC through today Earth's tilt straightens; plants, then animals, invade dry land; repeated mass extinctions; giant insects; Kerguelen and Antarctica appear; Kerguelen sinks; Ice Age TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jmooneyham.com/anthis.html
The Signposts Perspectives A possible history of the mysterious frozen Antarctic and sunken Kerguelen continents 544 million BC through today Earth's tilt straightens; plants, then animals, invade dry land; repeated mass extinctions; giant insects; Kerguelen and Antarctica appear; Kerguelen sinks; Ice Age REFERENCE http://www.jmooneyham.com/anthisref.html
Our aquatic stage? http://www.jrmooneyham.com/mrmd.html
The Signposts Perspectives The Divergence into Left and Right Approximately 200,000 BC- 50,000 BC: By now (if not earlier) humanity's predecessors have diverged into two distinct types in terms of dexterity-- right-handers and left-handers; the majority are right-handed; hominids in general are living in small, roaming groups http://www.jrmooneyham.com/left.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1,000,000 BC- 8,001 BC The Peopling of the Prehistoric Americas and the Extinctions of the American Megafauna People from all over the world trickle into the Americas over many millennia, crossing both seas and arctic wastes; the earliest Americans struggle against freakishly large and terrifying monster animals, possibly helping drive these megafauna into extinction so that later generations never see them TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/pamer1.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1,000,000 BC- 8,001 BC The Peopling of the Prehistoric Americas and the Extinctions of the American Megafauna People from all over the world trickle into the Americas over many millennia, crossing both seas and arctic wastes; the earliest Americans struggle against freakishly large and terrifying monster animals, possibly helping drive these megafauna into extinction so that later generations never see them REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/pamer1ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 8,000 BC- 1,600s AD The Peopling of the Americas People from all over the world trickle into the Americas over millennia, crossing both seas and arctic wastes; rising sea levels, massive earthquakes, and flooding from glacial melt demolish many sites of native American civilization, while climate change, war, and disease adversely affect many others TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/pamer2.html
The Signposts Perspectives 8,000 BC- 1,600s AD The Peopling of the Americas People from all over the world trickle into the Americas over millennia, crossing both seas and arctic wastes; rising sea levels, massive earthquakes, and flooding from glacial melt demolish many sites of native American civilization, while climate change, war, and disease adversely affect many others REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/pamer2ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 59,999,999 BC- 51,000 BC Large land and aquatic mammals appear; many kinds of primates appear (almost as many go extinct); an island continent finally disappears for good; the Mediterranean valley turns into the Mediterranean Sea; human beings emerge, develop housing, clothes, lamps, and drugs, breed dogs, use horses; Mars dies (or goes dormant) TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv1.html
The Signposts Perspectives 59,999,999 BC- 51,000 BC Large land and aquatic mammals appear; many kinds of primates appear (almost as many go extinct); an island continent finally disappears for good; the Mediterranean valley turns into the Mediterranean Sea; human beings emerge, develop housing, clothes, lamps, and drugs, breed dogs, use horses; Mars dies (or goes dormant) REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv1ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 50,999 BC-10,001 BC: Textiles are a booming industry; many prehistoric civilizations possibly develop over millennia on dry lands which afterwards are drowned or washed away by rising sea levels and glacial flooding; growing populations and scarcer food force agriculture and fixed settlements onto people who were previously nomads; geography heavily shapes the development of human civilization TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv2.html
The Signposts Perspectives 50,999 BC-10,001 BC: Textiles are a booming industry; many prehistoric civilizations possibly develop over millennia on dry lands which afterwards are drowned or washed away by rising sea levels and glacial flooding; growing populations and scarcer food force agriculture and fixed settlements onto people who were previously nomads; geography heavily shapes the development of human civilization REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv2ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 10,000 BC-2,001 BC: All human settlements possess dogs; the secrets of fire-starting become widely known; farm animals are domesticated; market economies stir; sun dials, beer, the wheel and plow all appear TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv3.html
The Signposts Perspectives 10,000 BC-2,001 BC: All human settlements possess dogs; the secrets of fire-starting become widely known; farm animals are domesticated; market economies stir; sun dials, beer, the wheel and plow all appear REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv3ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2,000 BC-1,800 AD Unstable sea levels; North African plains become the Sahara desert; mammoth extinction; iron, aluminum, porcelain, steel, gunpowder made; soap, concrete, mechanical computers, electrical batteries, steam engines, magnifiers, firearms, printing press, submarines, slide rules invented; wheel commonplace; the rise and fall of ancient Greece; Plato; Library of Alexandria; King Arthur; plague; Columbus; Leonardo da Vinci; Copernicus, Galileo, Issac Newton; Industrial Age; American Revolution; the first corporations are born TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv4.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2,000 BC-1,800 AD Unstable sea levels; North African plains become the Sahara desert; mammoth extinction; iron, aluminum, porcelain, steel, gunpowder made; soap, concrete, mechanical computers, electrical batteries, steam engines, magnifiers, firearms, printing press, submarines, slide rules invented; wheel commonplace; the rise and fall of ancient Greece; Plato; Library of Alexandria; King Arthur; plague; Columbus; Leonardo da Vinci; Copernicus, Galileo, Issac Newton; Industrial Age; American Revolution; the first corporations are born REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv4ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1,801 AD-1,900 AD: World population numbers one billion; oil, the telegraph, telephone, refrigeration, light bulbs, and AC electricity all begin impacting the world; organized labor begins improving the human condition TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv5.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1,801 AD-1,900 AD: World population numbers one billion; oil, the telegraph, telephone, refrigeration, light bulbs, and AC electricity all begin impacting the world; organized labor begins improving the human condition REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv5ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1,901 AD-1,950 AD: Certain mythical animals are proving to be real; women get voting rights; Tunguska; Machu Picchu; radio, vacuum tubes, airplanes, transistors are invented; Einstein; biochemical weapons; Great Depression; World Wars I and II; Social Security; George Orwell writes Nineteen Eighty-Four; McCarthyism http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv5a.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1,951 AD-1,990s AD: Decades of war; advances in personal computers; debut of email and the world wide web; repeatedly frustrated efforts to probe Mars http://www.jrmooneyham.com/lostcv5b.html
The Signposts Timeline: Prologue: 1990 AD-2000 AD Humanity reaches six billion in number, even as a comet strike on Jupiter emphasizes our vulnerability to extinction. Also, open source is looking increasingly important to humanity's future (if various business/political interests don't succeed in killing it) http://www.jrmooneyham.com/sprol.html
The Signposts Timeline: 2001 AD-2002 AD In the aftermath of a stunning terrorist attack, a wide variety of opportunists exploit a panicked America TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/sprol2.html
The Signposts Timeline: 2001 AD-2002 AD In the aftermath of a stunning terrorist attack, a wide variety of opportunists exploit a panicked America REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/sprol2ref.html
America's crisis in governance, 2001-2004 http://www.jrmooneyham.com/crss.html

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The above article(s) come from and make references to a collection copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by J.R. Mooneyham (except where otherwise noted in the text). Text here explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham may be freely copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes in paper and electronic form without charge if this copyright paragraph and link to jmooneyham.com or jrmooneyham.com are included.

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