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How to live well on very, very little: the best ideas for obtaining the essentials of modern human sustenance for minimal cost

How to live well on very, very little: the best ideas for obtaining the essentials of modern human sustenance for minimal cost INTRODUCTION AND TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jmooneyham.com/poor.html
Living Well Within Our Memes: The Best Ideas for Obtaining the Essentials of Modern Human Sustenance for Minimal Cost Or, How to Live Well on Very, Very Little REFERENCE http://www.jmooneyham.com/pooref.html
Clean drinking water: How to develop low cost sources of drinking water just about anywhere http://www.jmooneyham.com/watp.html
Nutritious food: More ways to eat well for very, very low cost http://www.jmooneyham.com/foodp.html
Low cost shelter from the elements http://www.jmooneyham.com/shelp.html
Low cost techniques for heating, cooling, energy generation, and conservation http://www.jmooneyham.com/heatp.html
Health and medical care: More ways to guard your health and attend to basic medical needs for very, very low cost INTRODUCTION AND TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jmooneyham.com/healthp.html
Low cost health and medical care More ways to guard your health and attend to basic medical needs for very, very low cost FIRST MAJOR REFERENCE PAGE covers: Household first aid preparation and supplies, Prevention, Breathing technique, Vaccinations, Defending against natural flying biological weapons in your neighborhood, Hand-washing, Washing food, Asthma and allergy prevention/reduction, Exercise and physical activity, Avoiding alcohol, tobacco, and other drug problems; The benefits of judicious, moderate alcohol consumption, A daily aspirin, Sunlight or vitamin D supplements, Dental health, Literacy, Personal perspectives and their impact on health, Sex and health, Breast-feeding of infants, Herbs and spices http://www.jmooneyham.com/low-cost-health-medical-care-ref.html
Low cost sleep improvement http://www.jmooneyham.com/low-cost-sleep-improvement.html
Low cost diet improvement http://www.jmooneyham.com/low-cost-diet-improvement.html
Low cost health and medical care More ways to guard your health and attend to basic medical needs for very, very low cost. SECOND MAJOR REFERENCE PAGE covers: Health insurance, Reference books for the home or village, Some warning signs of existing or potential chronic disease, Remedies, treatments, and solutions, Aspirin as pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, Honey as anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, Honey as a remedy for morning sickness, Maggots in wound treatment, High blood pressure, Reducing the risk of pre-eclampsia or toxaemia, Birth control/contraception measures, Treatment for diarrhea, Treatment for stomach ulcers and cancers, Leeches for treatment of arthritis, Kidney and gall stones, Epilepsy, Vision problems, Diabetes, Cancer, Desperate measures of possible last resort, Fire prevention, alarms, and extinguishing, Other health and safety dangers http://www.jmooneyham.com/low-cost-health-medical-care-ref2.html
Low cost health and medical care (Miscellaneous new unorganized links) http://www.jmooneyham.com/low-cost-health-medical-misc.html
Low cost education and reference possibilities http://www.jmooneyham.com/edup.html
Low cost computing software and hardware http://www.jmooneyham.com/compp.html
Increasing self-sufficiency through tools: Cost-effectively leveraging the power of tools to improve your life http://www.jmooneyham.com/tools.html
Junkstorming: Aggressive exploratory recycling: Transforming trash to treasure http://www.jmooneyham.com/junks.html
Miscellaneous new unorganized links Living Well Within Our Memes: The Best Ideas for Obtaining the Essentials of Modern Human Sustenance for Minimal Cost Or, How to Live Well on Very, Very Little http://www.jmooneyham.com/poormsc.html

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The above article(s) come from and make references to a collection copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by J.R. Mooneyham (except where otherwise noted in the text). Text here explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham may be freely copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes in paper and electronic form without charge if this copyright paragraph and link to jmooneyham.com or jrmooneyham.com are included.

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