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The Signposts document; An illustrated speculative timeline of future technology and social change OR How advances in technology may reshape humanity (timeline and perspectives speculating about the future of technology and humanity)

An Illustrated Speculative Timeline of Future Technology and Social Change 2001 AD-2049 AD
How advances in technology may reshape humanity
2001 AD-2049 AD: Human civilization is rocked by technological upheaval and growing uncertainties...TABLE OF CONTENTS
An Illustrated Speculative Timeline of Future Technology and Social Change 2050 AD-2600 AD
How advances in technology may reshape humanity
2050 AD-2600 AD: Human civilization and the Earth are transformed...TABLE OF CONTENTS
An Illustrated Speculative Timeline of Future Technology and Social Change 2,601 and beyond
How advances in technology may reshape humanity
2,601 and beyond: The biological and synthetic elements of civilization struggle to come to terms with one another, even as stunning advances in technology open up the galaxy to both...TABLE OF CONTENTS
Biochemical weapons and related defenses; status of infectious disease worldwide; hazardous waste disposal/recycling (1998-2013) TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/bchem.html
Biological and Chemical (or Biochemical) Weapons and Related Defenses; Status of Infectious Disease Threats Worldwide; Hazardous Waste Disposal/Recycling (1998-2013) REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/bchmref.html
The fabulous future of automobiles to come 2040s-2050s milestone; true 'automobility' finally becomes available to all http://www.jrmooneyham.com/auto.html
War Technologies of the 2030s TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/wtoy2030.html
War Technologies of the 2030s REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/wtoy2030ref.html
The status quo among people living in the developed nations, circa 2000 http://www.jrmooneyham.com/statd.html
The status quo of the world, circa 2000 http://www.jrmooneyham.com/statw.html
My name is legion A discussion of the likely future isolationism of the USA http://www.jrmooneyham.com/legi.html
The rest of our lives; What it'll be like lists some of my oldest speculations about the future from years past http://www.jrmooneyham.com/rest.html
2000-2040s: In many aspects of physical, social, and economic conditions the world is becoming a colder, lonelier, and harsher place to live; there is also a growing divide between generations http://www.jrmooneyham.com/hrsh.html
Our ultimate corporeal forms If you think young people look bizarre now, you ain't seen nuthin' yet... http://www.jrmooneyham.com/ult.html
The Signposts Timeline 2003 AD-2008 AD Children begin shaping the world via the web, even as newborns enjoy significant increases in life expectancy; some real estate bubbles begin to burst TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2008.html
The Signposts Timeline 2003 AD-2008 AD Children begin shaping the world via the web, even as newborns enjoy significant increases in life expectancy; some real estate bubbles begin to burst REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2008ref.html
The Signposts Timeline 2009 AD-2017 AD The wealthy get perfect organ replacements and spinal cord repairs; personal relationships are undergoing big changes; TV and the internet converge; migrations into the sea; throwaway laptops TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2017.html
The Signposts Timeline 2009 AD-2017 AD The wealthy get perfect organ replacements and spinal cord repairs; personal relationships are undergoing big changes; TV and the internet converge; migrations into the sea; throwaway laptops REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2017ref.html
The Signposts Timeline 1997 through 2015 Technology Transforms the 20th Century World into an Embryonic 21st http://www.jrmooneyham.com/reshape.html
The Signposts Timeline Shopping and employment are changing drastically in the developed nations (2014) http://www.jrmooneyham.com/ecom.html
The Signposts Timeline 2018 AD-2025 AD Consumer robotics go mainstream; 'wire heads' appear; do-it-yourself medical care; organ regeneration; unmanned planes of many types becoming common TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2025.html
The Signposts Timeline 2018 AD-2025 AD Consumer robotics go mainstream; 'wire heads' appear; do-it-yourself medical care; organ regeneration; unmanned planes of many types becoming common REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2025ref.html
The Signposts Timeline 2026 AD-2049 AD Biotechnology disappoints many; the world overhauls privacy and identity matters, even as surveillance becomes ubiquitous; global military spending is declining; households are gaining self-sufficiency in energy production as well as small object replication (3D printing becomes widely available) TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2049.html
The Signposts Timeline 2026 AD-2049 AD Biotechnology disappoints many; the world overhauls privacy and identity matters, even as surveillance becomes ubiquitous; global military spending is declining; households are gaining self-sufficiency in energy production as well as small object replication (3D printing becomes widely available) REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2049ref.html
The Signposts Timeline 2050 AD-2081 AD World population is leveling off and getting older; software complexity is being overcome via directed evolution techniques, even as growing social complexity now makes consensus and across-the-board change tougher to manage; the power of flight is becoming available to everyone TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2081.html
The Signposts Timeline 2050 AD-2081 AD World population is leveling off and getting older; software complexity is being overcome via directed evolution techniques, even as growing social complexity now makes consensus and across-the-board change tougher to manage; the power of flight is becoming available to everyone REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2081ref.html
2060s state-of-the-art war technologies http://www.jrmooneyham.com/wtoy2060.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1990 AD-2050 AD: America fails to cow the world; Contagions prove to be a much larger threat than expected; Terrorism grows in frequency and creativity; The results from SETI surprise both sides of the alien intelligence debate TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs0.html
The Signposts Perspectives 1990 AD-2050 AD: America fails to cow the world; Contagions prove to be a much larger threat than expected; Terrorism grows in frequency and creativity; The results from SETI surprise both sides of the alien intelligence debate REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs0ref.html
Traditional religions suffer more setbacks as many long-time 'supernatural' mysteries such as ghosts and hauntings are now yielding to scientific explanations http://www.jrmooneyham.com/ghst.html
2000-2015: The developed nations are making substantial changes across-the-board to better match modern institutions to human nature http://www.jrmooneyham.com/fslp.html
2015: The (mostly) failed covert takeover of USAmerica has unraveled by now http://www.jrmooneyham.com/cnspr.html
2025: The core remnant of the original Russia is becoming an important international player again http://www.jrmooneyham.com/rssia.html
2030s-2040s: Some progress is being made in using quantum-physics to implement psychokinesis ("psi") type devices and effects http://www.jrmooneyham.com/mpsi.html
The Signposts Timeline 2082 AD-2183 AD The virtual telepathy of the shush net emerges; active electro-chemical mind alteration is becoming common; heavy commercialization of space is proceeding; historical stress levels on average citizens (as well as mass species extinctions due to growing human numbers squeezing out other lifeforms) are both peaking now TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2183.html
The Signposts Timeline 2082 AD-2183 AD The virtual telepathy of the shush net emerges; active electro-chemical mind alteration is becoming common; heavy commercialization of space is proceeding; historical stress levels on average citizens (as well as mass species extinctions due to growing human numbers squeezing out other lifeforms) are both peaking now REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2183ref.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2051 AD-2100 AD: Washington D.C., Paris, Israel all become history; Privacy becomes essential; Angels and demons populate cyberspace; Diamond and gold investments crash http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs1.html
The Signposts Timeline 2184 AD-2272 AD Synthetic human beings, practical force fields, Star Trek-style transporters and replicators, and terraforming of Venus all become fact; the wealthy enjoy their own solar system roaming spacecraft http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2272.html
The Signposts Timeline 2273 AD-2350 AD Many now live in floating sky homes; death becomes obsolete; a second wave of deep space exploration takes place; perfect nanotechnology bodies are created http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2350.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2101 AD-2300 AD: America falls from grace; Enslaved clones are common; Exploration of deep space begins in earnest http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs2.html
The Signposts Timeline 2351 AD-2600 AD Mars and the Moon are major commerce and industrial centers; Mars opens for civilian settlement; virtual states rule the Earth; space exploration/colonization beyond the solar system is faltering http://www.jrmooneyham.com/s2600.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2301 AD-2500 AD: Long dead alien civilizations are found to surround Sol system; a lavish corporate virtual reality runs wild; a super being is born http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs3.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2501 AD-2800 AD: War between humanity and the AIs begins with the end of the world http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs4.html
Reference notes about the Sol pertaining to 2601 and beyond http://www.jrmooneyham.com/solcv.html
The Signposts Perspectives 2801 AD-3000 AD: The Greatest Race in History May Determine Who Will Dominate the Civilizations of Two Galaxies http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs5.html
The Signposts Perspectives 3001 AD-6000 AD: The race to claim the galactic core brings disaster and other unforeseen consequences; diversity among humanity's descendents escalates; breakthroughs in time travel are made http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs6.html
The Signposts Perspectives 6,001 AD and Beyond: The Ultimate Destiny of the Universe TABLE OF CONTENTS http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs7.html
The Signposts Perspectives 6,001 AD and Beyond: The Ultimate Destiny of the Universe REFERENCE http://www.jrmooneyham.com/spprs7ref.html

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The above article(s) come from and make references to a collection copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by J.R. Mooneyham (except where otherwise noted in the text). Text here explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham may be freely copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes in paper and electronic form without charge if this copyright paragraph and link to jmooneyham.com or jrmooneyham.com are included.

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