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The Atlantis That Could Have Been INTRODUCTION AND TABLE OF CONTENTS Could we eventually uncover a lost civilization like the fabled Atlantis on the sunken portions of the southeast asian peninsula? And if so, what might it have been like in its heyday? Approximately 25,125 BC- 13,875 BC: By around 25,125 BC the lowlands of the greater southeast asian peninsula had arisen from the sea, exposed by declining sea levels of the Ice Age. http://www.jmooneyham.com/atlnts1.html
The Atlantis That Could Have Been REFERENCE Could we eventually uncover a lost civilization like the fabled Atlantis on the sunken portions of the southeast asian peninsula? And if so, what might it have been like in its heyday? Approximately 25,125 BC- 13,875 BC: By around 25,125 BC the lowlands of the greater southeast asian peninsula had arisen from the sea, exposed by declining sea levels of the Ice Age. http://www.jmooneyham.com/atlantis-1-reference.html
The Atlantis That Could Have Been: A Lost Civilization in Southeast Asia, 25,125 BC- 13,875 BC? Summary: An advanced civilization emerges on the lowlands of the greater southeast asian peninsula, rapidly develops technologies rivaling that of the 21st century, then splinters in civil war. The more advanced faction decimates the other with nuclear weapons, then finds itself drowned by rising sea levels not long after, due to the end of the Ice Age. More than 14,000 years later there will remain negligible evidence that the civilization ever existed at all http://www.jmooneyham.com/atlnts2.html
Could we eventually uncover a lost civilization on the sunken Kerguelen continent? And if so, what might have been its fate? TABLE OF CONTENTS AND INTRODUCTION By around 110 million BC the first portions of the Kerguelen island continent had appeared. Large portions of the island continent would remain dry land for millions of years, after which they would all eventually submerge to become one with the sea floor again (with the last disappearing from the surface around 20,000,000 BC). This article lists some developments possibly relevant to the Kerguelen island continent, and any intelligent lifeforms which may have arisen or taken refuge there. http://www.jmooneyham.com/cdwn1.html
Could we eventually uncover a lost civilization on the sunken Kerguelen continent? And if so, what might have been its fate? REFERENCE By around 110 million BC the first portions of the Kerguelen island continent had appeared. Large portions of the island continent would remain dry land for millions of years, after which they would all eventually submerge to become one with the sea floor again (with the last disappearing from the surface around 20,000,000 BC). This article lists some developments possibly relevant to the Kerguelen island continent, and any intelligent lifeforms which may have arisen or taken refuge there. http://www.jmooneyham.com/lost-civilization-kerguelen-reference.html
Dinosaurs, Dragons, Loch Ness, and Reptile People; Where does fact end and fiction begin? TABLE OF CONTENTS AND INTRODUCTION By around 110 million BC the first portions of the Kerguelen island continent had appeared. Large sections of the island continent would remain dry land for millions of years, after which they would all eventually submerge to become one with the sea floor again (with the last disappearing from the surface around 20 million BC). This article lists some developments possibly relevant to the Kerguelen island continent, and certain higher lifeforms which may have arisen or taken refuge there. http://www.jmooneyham.com/drag.html
Dinosaurs, Dragons, Loch Ness, and Reptile People; Where does fact end and fiction begin? REFERENCE By around 110 million BC the first portions of the Kerguelen island continent had appeared. Large sections of the island continent would remain dry land for millions of years, after which they would all eventually submerge to become one with the sea floor again (with the last disappearing from the surface around 20 million BC). This article lists some developments possibly relevant to the Kerguelen island continent, and certain higher lifeforms which may have arisen or taken refuge there. http://www.jmooneyham.com/dinosaur-dragon-loch-ness-reference.html
Do enormous prehistoric ape-men share the Earth with humanity today? Legends and myths from the ancient past of a rare and mysterious humanoid race sharing Earth with humanity continue to endure-- with the help of periodic reports of sightings and bits of intriguing (but inconclusive) evidence for the matter http://www.jmooneyham.com/bgft.html
Could a bizarre, inhuman race have evolved on Earth as long ago as 600 million BC? If so, what might have been its fate? Could it have become Earth's first lost civilization? By around 600 million BC the strange and exotic lifeforms of Ediacarans had evolved in Earth's oceans. Neither plant nor animal, these diverse entities appeared to be evolving nervous systems and brains by 550 million BC-- the same time the earliest worm-like vertebrate ancestors of humanity first appeared. Five million years later all traces of the comparatively advanced Ediacarans suddenly vanished from Earth's oceans. What might have happened to these strange entities, and why? http://www.jmooneyham.com/edia.html
The crevicular continuum Caves, caverns, channels, and voids; the hidden world beneath our feet http://www.jmooneyham.com/cave.html

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The above article(s) come from and make references to a collection copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 by J.R. Mooneyham (except where otherwise noted in the text). Text here explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham may be freely copied and distributed for non-commercial purposes in paper and electronic form without charge if this copyright paragraph and link to jmooneyham.com or jrmooneyham.com are included.

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