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CONTENTS of 1,000,000 BC- 8,001 BC: The peopling of the prehistoric Americas and the extinctions of the American megafauna

This page last updated on or about 10-13-05
a - j r m o o n e y h a m . c o m - o r i g i n a l


33,000 BC - 30,000 BC: The extremely dangerous large predators of North America are encouraging some pioneers of the region to become specialists in maritime matters and living at sea

The furthest reaching North American explorers originating from northeast Asia are encountering new land and ice predators for which their present weapons and technologies are no match. Bears of unbelievable size and speed feast upon tribal explorers now almost at will, in the alien North American landscape.

This new threat poses a formidable obstacle to further eastward movement via land. And yet, the further east the tribe has moved, the more it has prospered. The tribe decides to greatly expand the use of rafts and boats to limit their exposure to the terrifying new predators on land. They begin traveling mostly by boat down the coastline of the the new land, going ashore as needed to hunt and resupply themselves, or take refuge from inclement weather-- or build new boats. For the most part these people begin to live typically onboard watercraft, until they may either find a region devoid of the great bears, or else their numbers, weaponry, or knowledge advances sufficiently to overcome the beasts.

Travelers using skin-covered boats or primitive canoes could have journeyed from the eastern Aleutian islands to the area of Chile in less than five years by following the coastline and paddling at least six hours a day.

(Of course, such a single-minded and rapid migration likely did not take place-- this is simply an illustration of the magnitude of the distance and effort involved. In actuality the migration likely was made at a much more leisurely pace, such as over a period of decades or centuries perhaps).

-- The Diffusionists Have Landed by Marc K. Stengel, The Atlantic Monthly, J A N U A R Y 2 0 0 0, http://www.theatlantic.com

During this maritime existence the tribe is forced to learn more about sea-going life and navigation, as well as to further hone their fishing skills.

It's also worth noting that the great glaciers of North America serve as formidable obstacles to deep inland progress at this time.

Sources include information from the Discovery channel/the Learning Channel, on or about 10-1-98

-- page 436, "Peopling of the Earth", National Geographic, October 1988

-- "Ancient Woman's Bones May Rewrite History", 4-11-99, [http://dailynews.yahoo.com/]/Reuters

It seems safe to assume that by now at least a smattering of people is passing through or near the region of Central America/Panama. Why is this possibly significant? Because of a rare, tiny animal which lives in the area, offering anyone who cares to notice an excellent idea for an invention which will someday change the world-- the wheel.

The beach animal is similar to a one-inch long shrimp. It lives on the Pacific side of Panama. It often moves by looping its body into a circle and rolling along like a wheel.

-- WHEELY INTERESTING, Strange Days - Fortean Times, found on or about 1-16-2000 (http://www.forteantimes.com/)

Note too that the Pacific side of Central America is also the one most likely being traveled by coast huggers coming across from Asia and moving down the western coasts of the Americas.

If just one human traveler found inspiration for the wheel at this place, in this time, and the concept spread significantly, humanity could find itself accelerated invention-wise by perhaps 30,000 years or so.

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