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CONTENTS of entire timeline

CONTENTS of 59,999,999 BC- 51,000 BC Large land and aquatic mammals appear; many kinds of primates appear (almost as many go extinct); an island continent finally disappears for good; the Mediterranean valley turns into the Mediterranean Sea; human beings emerge, develop housing, clothes, lamps, and drugs, breed dogs, use horses; Mars dies (or goes dormant)

This page last updated on or about 10-31-05
a - j r m o o n e y h a m . c o m - o r i g i n a l


133,000+ BC: The first wolves are successfully tamed by humans in Eurasia, and world geography closely resembles that of 1999 AD...

...as sea levels in 133,000 BC to 118,000 BC never rise more than two meters above 1999 AD levels. Note that the Bering land bridge between Asia and North America is definitely closed at this time.

-- "Dogs Really Man's Best Friend, Book Claims" ("Evolving Brains,'' biologist John Allman of the California Institute of Technology) ; http://dailynews.yahoo.com/; /Reuters Limited, 12-16-98

-- "The big thaw" by Jeff Hecht, Boston, From New Scientist ["http://www.newscientist.com"], 17 April 1999

The mid-point of the interglacial period which preceded the present one was around 133,000 BC.

-- A Debate That Could Last An Iceage ["http://www.spacer.com/spacecast/news/iceage-00c.html"] by Kurt Sternlof, March 22, 2000 SpaceDaily, Columbia University

-- "U.S. News: Archaelogists study dogs to learn about humans (7/5/99), The secret life of animals" BY JONAH BLANK , Science & Ideas 7/5/99, U.S. News Online ["http://www.usnews.com/"]

-- Stalking the Ancient Dog By CHRISTINE MLOT, June 28, 1997, Science News Online, http://www.sciencenews.org/

The animal which is domesticated by humanity now and will serve as the foundation from which virtually all the different sizes and shapes of dogs familiar to 20th century humanity will spring, is the Eurasian gray wolf.

It may be that domesticated wolves will help give humanity's most direct ancestors an evolutionary advantage over the typically physically stronger Neanderthals in millennia to come.

-- The secret life of animals BY JONAH BLANK, Science and Ideas, US News and World Report, 7-5-99, http://www.usnews.com/

The mutating wolf is now becoming an official camp guard and hunting companion-- and even occasional baby sitter. Its keen sense of smell is an added boon for those factions of humanity whose own smell has been compromised by evolutionary facial changes (Neanderthals may possess better smelling senses than other humans of this time). The wolf's nose helps track down animals in hunts, warn of approaching danger, and locate lost tribal members. Young wolves which do not display the desired traits are routinely killed for food-- so the camp wolves are a somewhat steady food supply as well as companions. This means a typical wolf-owning family of humans likely keeps anywhere from one to several friendly wolves around now-- depending on how plentiful food supplies overall are.

-- Man's trash was likely dog's lure by Phil and Nancy Seff, November 10, 1999, Deseret News Science/Technology, http://deseretnews.com/, Man's trash was likely dog's lure (http://deseretnews.com/dn/view/1,1249,125015089,00.html?)

Note that technically the use of the camp wolves as a contingency food supply might qualify as some of the earliest animal husbandry on the part of humanity.

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