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This page last updated on or about 1-9-09

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See the yellow box text ad immediately below? An ad similar to it is one of your sponsorship options.

. .. ... ....

Who or what might await us in the depths of space?

CLICK HERE to find out.
.... ... .. .
Sponsor your favorite page

A brief summary of sponsorship options

If you wish you can get more than just a prominent link to your web site or email address near the top of the page you sponsor. As of 2009 there's a couple extra options available for sponsors.

You may completely ignore these options, exploit them both, or utilize just one of them, as desired.

However, of both the optional features only ONE is open-ended, time-wise. That is, may be exercised long after your original sponsorship subscription has expired (and so long as this site and the page you originally sponsored still exist, of course). This 'immortal' option is your own forward or introduction page to our page you originally sponsored.

More detail regarding the sponsorship options

A banner-sized text ad further down the page

In addition to your first link near the top of the page (which is discussed on the previous sponsorship page), you also get a roughly banner-sized text ad a little further down the page (see the one above) where you can display a more detailed description for your web site, product, or service with perhaps a bit more flexibility than might be available through some other text ad venues around.

Font colors in your ads will be black (Words sporting embedded web links will be the color designated by a viewer's web browser). The background colors of the text ad box will be subject to our own discretion. As of 2009 we have two color schemes, each meant to go well with a particular color arrangement of certain pages. One yellow and the other blue.

Certain types of pre-existing text ads on our pages can be 'bumped' by sponsorship ads bought here. That is, replaced. But sponsorship ads may only replace NON-sponsorship ads.

We currently maintain a text ad arrangement with a major internet company. So their distinctive ads dot many of our pages. But sponsorship purchases will over-rule that other type of ad for a chosen page.

We also run our own in-house text ads in these spots on some pages (ads we use for our own purposes on-site). But those too can be 'bumped' or replaced by sponsorship ads.

Near the top of this page can be seen an example text ad used to cross-promote one of our own pages. Just below the ad in small text is a link back to the main sponsorship offer page. Such a back-link will be present below all sponsorship ads. As of 2009 we also expect the graduated color scheme at either end of the box to be another hallmark of such ads across our site. The tiny animated line gif included is meant to be an unobtrusive way to draw people's eyes to the advertisement (please keep in mind the beta-- or testing stage-- of this arrangement makes it subject to change).

Formatting your ad text

This formatting is purely optional on your part. If you simply send us your plain text for your ad we'll format it ourselves as seems appropriate. If you do format your text but it seems to break the text ad rules outlined on the main offer page, we'll format it in that case too.

To format your ad text you basically write your ad content, then mark certain sections to be a certain size or style.

In HTML you use tags. Which means you put a tag at the start of the section to be modified and one at the end. The end tag is often the same as the starting tag but for an additional slash mark. Casual web surfers don't usually see the tags: only their effects on a web page's content. Below is the ad text for the sample text ad above on this page, formatted in HTML.

<h2> Who or what might await us in the depths of space? </h2>

<A HREF="http://www.jrmooneyham.com/ctcta.html">CLICK HERE</A> to find out.

The "H" tags are for headline sizes: fairly large fonts. "H1" is the biggest size of all. "H2" is smaller. Etc. Notice how there's ZERO tags configuring the font size for "CLICK HERE"? That absence makes "CLICK HERE" display in the default font size set elsewhere for the section, or maybe for the entire page. The default font size is the one most of the text you see on the web is usually set to.

But you need not use screaming headline sizes for your ad. Check out the one below:

. .. ... ....

Gas prices got you down? Would you like to know the 25 easiest and cheapest ways to improve your car's mileage INSTANTLY? How about seeing a regularly updated comparison of gas prices among stations in your local community too? CLICK HERE to get all this for FREE.
.... ... .. .
Sponsor your favorite page

In the ad above I did it more like an old fashioned classified ad in a hard copy magazine, using a small font size throughout to get closer to the maximum word count available. But I also set the style of the leading words to get more attention, with "bold" tags (abbreviated to just "b" inside the tags). Below is what the HTML for the ad text looks like:

<FONT SIZE="3"> <b> Gas prices got you down? </b> Would you like to know the 25 easiest and cheapest ways to improve your car's mileage INSTANTLY? How about seeing a regularly updated comparison of gas prices among stations in your local community too? < A HREF="http://www.jrmooneyham.com/sponser_favorite_page.html">CLICK HERE</A> to get all this for FREE. </FONT>

Font size numbers work the opposite of headline sizes. A font size equal to "1" is the smallest. A font size equal to "2" is a little bigger. Etc.

I hope this helps!

An entirely separate page containing your own introduction to the page you're sponsoring

The second option is a separate page which will be a permanent addition to our site, and so likely last long beyond your sponsorship subscription term. We expect it to be something like the celebrity forwards to books, such as when Arthur C. Clarke writes an introduction to a different author's science fiction work. Only briefer of course. :-)

Note you can also write up a description of your own site there, or offer some auto-biographical info regarding yourself, plus include your email address if desired for posting. Your introduction page will include a link to our page you originally sponsored, and we'll announce the creation of your page in our site updates log to insure it gets seen by the internet search engines and log visitors. We'll also send you the URL (web address) of the page so you can forward it to others too if you wish.

Although you'll naturally enjoy considerably more writing room in your own page than in the text ad described before, hosting limitations and costs do impose limits of their own from our end.

Please refer to the details outlined in the main sponsorship offer page for the various specifications involved in crafting your introduction or forward page.

Want to see a sample introduction page? Then CLICK HERE.

Please keep in mind that there could ultimately exist many different introduction pages by many different people simultaneously for the page you sponsor, as other sponsors may have come before or after you for a given page. But your own words and perspective should still serve to make your page unique.

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